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Papers published in journals
2024 |
Lin, K.-S., Kurata, M., Kawasaki, Y. and Kitatani, Y. (2024), Investigation of low-disturbance seismic retrofit method for steel column bases using curved members. Jpn Archit Rev, 7: e12429. |
Skalomenos K, Kurata M. Collapse hybrid simulation for testing steel building columns subject to boundary condition changes. Earthquake Engng Struct Dyn. 2024; 1-26. |
Shen S-D, Kurata M. A novel damage evaluation method for exposed column bases (ECBs) affecting the seismic properties of low-rise steel moment-resisting frames (MRF). Earthquake Engng Struct Dyn. 2024; 53: 218–236. |
Lin K-S, Kurata M, Pettinga D, Suzuki Y., Matsuo S., Perea T. Effectiveness of repairing yielding anchor rods in exposed column bases in steel structures. Earthquake Engng Struct Dyn. 2024; 1-20. |
2023 |
Huang J, Kurata M, Shen S-D. “Experimental investigation and modeling of boundary influences on in-plane seismic performance of partition walls.” Earthquake Engng Struct Dyn. 2023; 1-19. |
Astudillo, B, Rivera, D, Duke, J, Simpson,B, Fahnestock, LA, Sause, R, Ricles, J, Kurata, M, Okazaki, T, Kawamata, Y, Tao, Z, Qie Y, “Modeling uncertainty of specimens employing spines and force-limiting connections tested at E-defense shake table,” Earthquake Engng Struct Dyn. 2023; 52: 4638–4659. |
Qi, L., Kurata, M., Huang, J., Kawamata Y., Aida, S., Cho, K., Kanao, K., Takaoka, M. “Seismic Damage and Functional Defects of Ceiling Systems: Observation in Shaking Table Test of Hospital Specimen,” Earthq. Engng Struct Dyn. 2023; |
Shen, S-D, Kurata, M. “Rapid evaluation of structural soundness of steel frames using a coupling coefficient (CC)-based method,” Earthq. Engng Struct Dyn.; 2023; 52: 1182–1204. |
Huang, J, Kurata, M, Kawamata, Y, Kanao, I, Qi, L, Takaoka, M. In-Plane damage of partition walls with various boundaries during earthquakes. Earthquake Engng Struct Dyn. 2023; 52; 1059-1077. |
Kurata, M., Akazawa, M., Aida, S., Cho, K., Kawamata, Y., Saburi, K., Ohtsuru, S., “Sesicmic Behaviors of Medical Equipment in Earthquake-Resistant and Seismically-Isolated Buildings at E-Defense Shaking Table Tests,” J. Struct. Constr. Eng., 88(809), p.1116-1123, 2023.7, |
Matsubara, Y., Kojima, K., Zhang, Z., Kanao, I., Kurata, M., “Cyclic Bending Behavior of Polyvinyl Chloride Piping,” AIJ Journal of Technology and Design, 2023, Volume 29, Issue 72, Pages 824-828,, |
Matsubara, Y., Kojima, K., Zhang, Z., Kanao, I., Kurata, M., “Cyclic Bending Tests on Several Diameters Carbon Steel Pipe for Ordinary Piping,” Journal of Structural Engineering B (AIJ), 2023, Volume 69B, Pages 345-351, |
2022 |
Ishihara, Y., Maki, N., Sogabe, T., Otsuru, S., Kurata, M., Cho, K. [2022] “How can we evaluate a hospital business interruption from earthquake? Case of the 2018 North Osaka earthquake,” Japanese Journal of Disaster Medicine/JJDM , Volume 27 Issue 3 Pages 195-200, 2022. 10.3130/aijs.87.780 |
Hitomi, M., Kurata, M., Aida, S., Shimoto, M., Cho K., Otsuru, S. [2022] “Medical Equipment Seismic Performance Evaluation for Preventing Rocking and Falling,” Transactions of the Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering, 2022 Volume 60 Issue 6 Pages 139-148, |
Ikeda, Y, Matsumoto, Y. Unified description of passive vibration control for buildings based on pole allocation applied to three-degree-of-freedom model. Struct Control Health Monit. 2022; 29( 9):e2995. doi:10.1002/stc.2995 |
Shimoto, M., Cho, K., Kurata, M., Hitomi, M., Kato, Y., Aida, S., Sugiyama, O., Maki, N., Ohtsuru, S. “Hospital Evacuation Implications After the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake,” Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 1-3, 2022, doi:10.1017/dmp.2022.25 (Report from the Field) |
Horiuchi, T., Ohsaki, M., Kurata, M., Ramirez, JA., Yamashita, T., Kajiwara, K. “Contributions of E-Defense Shaking Table to Earthquake Engineering and its Future,” Journal of Disaster Research, 17 (6), 985-999, 2022.10, |
Sakakibara, Y., Kawamata, Y., Fujita, K., Kurata, M. “Image-based Monitoring System for Concealed Suspended Piping in Buildings: Verification in shaking table testing of a full-scale steel frame with hospital functionality, J. Struct. Constr. Eng., AIJ, Vol. 87, No. 798, 725-736, Aug., 2022 (in Japanese). DOI |
Skalomenos, K., Whittall, T., Kurata, M., Pickering, J. “Component testing and multi-level seismic design of steel braced frames with high post-yielding stiffness and two-phase yielding,” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 157, 107248, 2022, doi: 10.1016/j.soildyn.2022.107248 |
Ikeda Y. Kurata, M., Xie, J. “Verification of multi‐degree‐of‐freedom building modelling for seismic response prediction based on microtremor measurement,” Earthquake engineering & structural dynamics. 2022;51(7):1610-1635. doi: 10.1002/eqe.3630. |
Hamauzu, S., Skalomenos, K., Kurata, M., Theofanous M. “Local buckling behaviour of high-strength steel tubular columns subjected to one-sided cyclic loading and implications in seismic design of steel MRFs,” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 154, 107115, 2022.3, |
Qi, L., Kurata, M., Ikeda Y., “Seismic damage thresholds and design methods for two-elevation continuous ceiling systems,” Engineering Structures 251, 113530, 2022.1, |
Shen, SD., Kurata, M., Pan, P., He, ZZ. “Test, analysis, and design of ovally‐perforated vertically‐flexible steel plate shear wall (OVSPW),” Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, 51(1), pp. 66-85, 2022.1, |
2021 |
Ammons, M., Shimada, H., McCormick, J., Kurata, M. “Experimental Investigation of Foam Filled CHS Braces under Cyclic Loading,” Journal of Structural Engineering, 147(5), 04021044, 2021.5, |
Li, X., Kurata, M., Wang, Y-H., Nakashima, M. “Estimating Earthquake-Induced Displacement Responses of Building Structures Using Time-Varying Model and Limited Acceleration Data,” Journal of Structural Engineering, 147(4), 04021014, 2021.4, |
Fukuzawa, A., Ikeda, Y., Kurata, M. [2021] “Evaluation of Dynamic Soil-RC Building Interaction Through Modal Properties Identified from Earthquake Records at Base, Upper Floor and Peripheral Ground Surface,” Journal of Structural Engineering (Kouzou Kougaku) , 67B, pp. 483-494 (in Japanese) |
Xie, J., Ikeda, Y., Kurata, M. [2021] “Dynamic Properties of Large-Scale Low-Rise Commercial Buildings Based on Microtremor Measurements,” Journal of Structural Engineering (Kouzou Kougaku) , 67B, pp. 495-507 (in Japanese). |
Xie, J., Ikeda, Y., Kurata, M. [2021] “Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Linear Building Model Based on Microtremor Measurement for Seismic Response Analysis,” Journal of Structural Engineering (Kouzou Kougaku), 67B, pp. 506-518 (in Japanese). |
Ikeda Y. “Fundamental equation based on pole allocation for interstory seismic isolation of buildings,” Structural Control Health Monitoring, 28(3), 2021.3, |
Qi, L., Kurata, M., Ikeda, Y., Kunitomo, K., Takaoka, M. “Seismic evaluation of two‐elevation ceiling system by shake table tests,” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 50(4), pp. 11447-1166, 2021.4, |
Arfin, F.A., Sullivan, T., MacRae, G., Kurata, M., Takeda, T. “Lessons for loss assessment from the Canterbury earthquakes: a 22-storey building,” Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 19(5), pp. 2081-2104, 2021.3, |
Otsuki, Y., Li, D., Dey, S.S., Kurata, M., Wang, Y. “Finite Element Model Updating of an 18-Story Structure using Branch-and-Bound Algorithm with Epsilon-Constraint,” Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, 2021.1, |
Liu, Y., Nishiyama, M., Tani, M., Kurata, M., Iwata, K. “Steel beam with web opening reinforced by induction heating,” Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Volume, 176, 106399,, 2021.1 |
2020 |
Zeng, X., Deng, K., Kurata, M., Duan, J., Zhao, C. “Seismic performance evaluation of damage-controlled composite steel frame with flexible-gel-covered studs,” Engineering Structures, 219, 110855,, 2020.9 |
Marzano, G., Skalomenos, K.A., Kurata, M., Sasaki, Y. [2020] “Fragility Functions for Evaluation on Moment-Resisting Frames Retrofitted with the Minimal Disturbance Arm Damper,” Journal of Structural Engineering (Kouzou Kougaku), AIJ. |
Liu, Y., Tani, M., Kurata, M., Watase, C., Nishiyama, M. [2020]. “Study on I-Shaped Section Steel Braces Partially Strengthened by Induction Heating,” Engineering Structures, 210, 110341, |
Skalomenos, K.A., Kurata, M., Nishiyama, M. [2020]. “Induction-heat treated steel braces with intentional eccentricity,” Engineering Structures, 211, 110461, |
Qi, L., Kunitomo, K., Kurata, M., Ikeda, Y. [2020]. “Investigating the Vibration Properties of Integrated Ceiling Systems Considering Interactions with Surrounding Equipment,” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 1– 22. |
Marzano, G., Skalomenos, K.A., Kurata, M. [2020]. “Multi Damage-State Retrofit of Steel Moment-Resisting Frames with Minimal Disturbance Arm Damper,” Journal of Structural Engineering (Accepted in January, 2020). |
Deng, K., Zeng, X., Kurata, M., Zhao, C., Onishi, K. [2020]. “Damage Control of Composite Steel Beams Using Flexible Gel-Covered Studs,” Journal of Structural Engineering, 146 (3), 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0002534 |
2019 |
Otsuki, Y., Kurata, M., Skalomenos, K.A., Ikeda, Y. [2019]. “Fragility Function Development and Seismic Loss Assessment of Expansion Joints,” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamic 48 (9), 1007-1029, |
Wada, T., Ikeda, Y., Kurata, M., Kashima, T. [2019] “Verification of Method to Evaluate Amplitude-Dependent Natural Frequencies of Steel Buildings using Main Shock Response”, Journal of Structural Engineering (Kouzou Kougaku) (in Japanese). |
2018 |
Li, X., Kurata, M. [2018]. “Probabilistic updating of fishbone model for assessing seismic damage to beam-column connections in steel moment-resisting frames,” Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering (published online in December 2018), |
Otsuki, Y., Kurata, M., Skalomenos, K.A., Ikeda, Y.[2018]. “Damage sequence and safety margin assessment of expansion joints by shake table testing,” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamic (Published online in September 2018), |
Zhang, L., Marzano, G., Sasaki, Y., Kurata, M., Skalomenos, K. “Force Redistribution of Steel Moment-Resisting Frame Retrofitted with a Minimal Disturbance Arm Damper,” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 114, pp. 159-173,, 2018.11. |
Skalomenos, K.S., Kurata, M., Shimada, H., Nishiyama, M. “Use of Induction-Heating in Steel Structures: Material Properties and Novel Brace Design,” Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 148, pp. 112-123,, 2018.9. |
Skalomenos, K.S., Nakashima, M., Kurata, M. “Seismic Capacity Quantification of Gusset-Plate Connections to Fracture for Ductility-Based Design,” Journal of Structural Engineering, 144(10), |
Zhang, L, Kurata, M., Marino, E.M., Takeda, T. [2018]. “Development of a Minimal-Disturbance Rehabilitation System for Sustaining Bidirectional Loading,”, Journal of Structural Engineering, 144(6), 2018.6. |
Deng, D., Zhao, C., Wang, K,, Kurata, M., Wang, T. “Numerical study on a fully-prefabricated damage-tolerant beam to column connection for an earthquake-resilient frame,” Engineering Structures, 159(15), pp. 320-331,, 2018.3. |
Matarazzo, T.J., Kurata, M., Nishino, H., Suzuki, A. “Post-earthquake strength assessment of a steel moment-resisting frame with multiple beam-column fractures using local monitoring data,” Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 144(2),, 2018.2. |
Skalomenos, K.S., Kurata, M. and Nakashima, M. “On-line Hybrid Test Method for Evaluating the Performance of Structural Details to Failure,” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamic, 47(3), pp. 555-572,, 2018.3 |
2017 |
Li. X, Kurata, M., Suzuki, A. “Decoupling Algorithm for Evaluating Multiple Beam Damages in Steel Moment-resisting Frames,” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 46(7), pp. 1045-1064,, 2017.7. |
Barbagallo, B., Hamashima, I., Hu, H., Kurata, M., Nakashima, M. “Base Shear Capping Buildings with Graphite-Lubricated Bases for Collapse Prevention in Extreme Earthquakes,” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 46(6), pp. 1003–1021,, 2017.5. |
Lavan, O., Sato, M., Kurata, M., Zhang, L. “Local Deformation Based Design of Minimal-Disturbance Arm Damper for Retrofitting Steel Moment-Resisting Frames,” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 46(9), pp.1493-1509,, 2017.7. |
Inamasu, H., Skalomenos, AK., Hsiao, P-C., Hayashi K., Kurata, M., and Nakashima, M. “Gusset plate connection for Naturally Buckling Brace,” Journal of Structural Engineering, 143(8), 2017.8. |
Suzuki, A., Kurata, M., Li, X., and Shimmoto, S. “Residual Structural Capacity Evaluation of Steel Moment-Resisting Frames using Dynamic-strain-based Model Updating Method,” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 46(11), pp. 1971-1810,, 2017.9. |
Burton, A., Lynch, J.P., Kurata, M., Law, K. “Fully Integrated Carbon Nanotube Composite Thin Film Strain Sensors on Flexible Substrates for Structural Health Monitoring,” Smart Materials and Structures, 26(9), 2017.8. |
2016 |
Kurata, M., Sato, M., Zhang, L., Lavan, O., Becker, T., Nakashima, M. “Minimal-Disturbance Seismic Rehabilitation of Steel Moment-Resisting Frames using Light-weight Steel Elements,” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 45(3), pp. 383-400. |
Li, X., Kurata, M., Nakashima, M. “Simplified derivation of a damage curve for seismically induced beam fracture in steel moment-resisting frames,” Journal of Structural Engineering, 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0001473, 04016019-1. |
Bai, Y., Kurata, M., Nakashima, M., Florez, J. “Macromodeling of Crack Damage in Steel Beams Subjected to Nonstationary Low Cycle Fatigue,” Journal of Structural Engineering 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0001536 , 04016076. |
He, L., Togo, T., Hayashi, K., Kurata, M., Nakashima, M. “Cyclic Behavior of Multi-Row Slit Shear Walls Made from Low Yield Point Steel,” Journal of Structural Engineering 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0001569, 04016094. |
Yamaguchi, M., Kurata, M., Miyazawa, M. “Building Damage Estimates using Slowness Change in Propagating Waves,” Journal of Structural Engineering, 143(4),, 04016200, 2017.4. |
Zhang, Y., Kurata, M., Lynch, J.P. “Long-Term Modal Analysis of Wireless Structural Monitoring Data from a Suspension Bridge under Varying Environmental and Operational Conditions: System Design and Automated Modal Analysis,” Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 143(4),, 04016124, 2017.4. |
2015 |
Becker, T., Yamamoto S., Hamaguchi, H., Higashino, M., and Nakashima, M. “Application of Isolation to High-Rise Buildings: A Japanese Design Case Study through a US Design Code Lens,” Earthquake Spectra, Eartquake Engineering Research Institute, Vol. 31, No. 3, August 2015, pp. 1451-1470. |
Hsiao, P. C., Hayashi, K., Nishi, R., Lin X., and Nakashima, M.“Investigation of Concrete-Filled Double-Skin Steel Tubular Columns with Ultrahigh-Strength Steel,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol.140, 2014, pp.0404166-1-8. |
Luo, Y., Hoki, K., Hayashi, K., and Nakashima, M. “Behavior and Strength of Headed Stud SFRCC Shear Connection. I: Experimental Study,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE (published online). |
Luo, Y., Hoki, K., Hayashi, K., and Nakashima, M. “Behavior and Strength of Headed Stud SFRCC Shear Connection. II: Strength Evaluation,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE (published online). |
He, L., Kurata, M., and Nakashima, M.“Condition Assessment of Steel Shear Walls with Tapered Links under Various Loading,” Earthquakes and Structures, Vol. 9, No. 4, 2015, pp.767-788. |
Kurata, M., He, L., Nakashima, M. “Steel Slit Shear Walls with Double-Tapered Links Capable of Condition Assessment,” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Wiley, 44(8), pp. 1271-1287. |
Li, X., Kurata, M., Nakashima, M. “Evaluating damage extent of fractured beams in steel moment-resisting frames using dynamic strain responses,” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Wiley, 2014 (published online ahead on printing). |
2014 |
Shi, Y., Becker, T. C., Furukawa, S., Sato, E., and Nakashima, M., “LQR Control with Frequency-Dependent Scheduled Gain for a Semi-active Foor Isolation System”, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol.43, July 2014, pp.1265-1284. |
Kurata, M., He, L., Nakashima, M. “Steel slit shear walls with double-tapered links capable of condition assessment,” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Wiley, 2014 (published online ahead on printing). |
Nakashima, M., Lavan, O., Kurata, M., Luo, Y. “Earthquake Engineering Research Needs in Light of Lessons Learned from the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake,” Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration, 13, pp. 141-149, 2014. |
Shi Y., Kurata, M., Nakashima, M. “Disorder and damage of base-isolated medical facilities when subjected to near-fault and long-period ground motions,” Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 43(11), pp. 1683-1701, 2014. |
2013 |
Kurata, M., Li, X., Fujita, K., Yamaguchi, M. “Piezoelectric dynamic strain monitoring for detecting local seismic damage in steel buildings,” Smart Material and Structures. 22, 115002, 2013. |
Shi, Y., Becker, T., Kurata, M., Nakashima, M. “H∞ control in the frequency domain for a semi-active floor isolation system,” Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering, 7(3), pp. 264-275, 2013. |
Kurata, M., Kim, J., Lynch, J., van der Linden, G., Sedarat, H., Thometz, E., Hipley, P., and Sheng, L. “Internet-Enabled Wireless Structural Monitoring Systems: Development and Permanent Deployment at the New Carquinez Suspension Bridge,” J. Struct. Eng. 139, pp. 1688-1702, 2013. |
Lin, X., Okazaki, T., Chung, Y. L., and Nakashima, M., “Flexural Performance of Bolted Built-Up Columns Constructed of H-SA700 Steel”, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, January 2013, pp.48-58. |
Lignos, G. D., Hikino, T., Matsuoka, Y., and Nakashima, M., “Collapse Assessment of Steel Moment Frames based on E-Defense Full-Scale Shake Table Collapse Tests”, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE,Vol.139, No. 1, 2013, pp. 120-132. |
Ji, X., Hikino, T., Kasai, K., and Nakashima, M., “Damping Identification of a Full-Scale Passively-Controlled Five-Story Steel Building Structure”, Journal of Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 42, April, 2013, pp.277-295 |
Cui, Y., Luo, Y., and Nakashima, M., “Development of Steel Beam-to-Column Connections using SFRCC Slabs”, Engineering Structures, Vol.52, No.7, July 2013, pp.545-557. |
Furukawa. S., Becker, T. C., Shi, Y., Sato, E., and Nakashima, M. “Full-scale Shaking Table Test of a Base-isolated Medical Facility ubjected to Vertical Motions”, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 42, No.13, October 2013, pp.1931-1949. |
Hikino, T., Okazaki, T., Kajiwara, K., and Nakashima, M., “Out-of-Plane Stability of Buckling-Restrained Braces Placed in a Chevron Arrangement”, Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 139, No. 11, November, 2013, pp.1812-1822 |
2012 |
Kurata, M., Leon. T. R., DesRoches, R., and Nakashima, M, “Steel Plate Shear Wall with Tension-Bracing for Seismic Rehabilitation of Steel Frames,” Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol.71, 2012, pp. 92-103. |
Kurata, M., Leon, T. R, and DesRoches, R., “Rapid Seismic Rehabilitation Strategy: Concept and Testing of Cable Bracing with Couples Resisting Damper (CORE Damper),” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol.138, No.3, 2012, pp. 354-362. |